IxDF Journey Mapping Course
Designed, created and shipped a 6-week course on Journey Mapping that became one of the IxDF’s top 3, with over 8k students in the first 6 months.

Hundreds of Members requested a Journey Mapping course, and journey mapping articles, topic definitions were among our top 5 external traffic generators.
Designed, produced and shipped a 6-week journey mapping course.
- John, Copy Editor
- Gustavo, Video
- Matt, Contributor
- Indi, Contributor
- Kai, Contributor
- Research—Surveys of 1,300 members, Interviews with 5 members.
- Definition—Course journey map, learning outcomes, contributors, budget.
- Design—Wrote text, assessments, exercises, video storyboards and scripts.
- Documentation—Rewrote editorial guidelines for new course format.
Shipped the course in November of 2021. It is among the 3 most popular courses on the platform with 8,000+ enrollments.